5. Anakin Must Return (In Force-Ghost Form)
Just the mere memory of Darth Vader has had to do a lot of heavy-lifting in this series. You can argue that we wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for him, and it’s clear that his sins continue to reverberate through the Galaxy and are coming home to roost. It feels kind of strange that this character, who has not only been the backbone of the entire Saga but also a driving force for many of the main characters’ actions, has been physically nothing more than a charred and mangled old helmet all this time. We know Anakin can manifest as a Force-ghost, because he did just that at the end of Return of the Jedi, so the time seems ripe for him to show the eff up at the climax of this story which has invariably revolved around him in one way or another.
So how would that actually play out? Well, I have heard plenty of people complain that this should have happened way earlier, that he should have manifested to Ben Solo long before his grandson’s fall, but it’s important to remember that Force-ghosts can only manifest to those whom they knew when they were alive, and Anakin/Vader died before Ben was even born. HOWEVER, there might be a loophole available – Luke can manifest for Kylo, so who’s to say he won’t drag dear ol’ dad along with him to give his nefarious nephew a stern talking-to? Or perhaps he’ll even appear to Leia… Whatever the case, Anakin needs to stand up and be accountable for all the nonsense he has been complicit in over the years! (This goes back to my previous argument about Ben Solo needing to be redeemed and live to tell the tale – Anakin got off way too easy by just dying! At least let his ghost come back and take some damn responsibility!)