1. Ben Solo Must Be Redeemed (and Live)
Look, guys, you do not cast an Actor™ like Adam Driver just to have him play a one-note villain. You also don’t make that villain the son of two Legacy characters just to have him stay evil and die. And you DEFINITELY don’t kill off Legacy characters for nothing. For many, Kylo Ren, AKA Ben Solo AKA the son of Princess Leia and Han Solo, murdering his own father was a complete dealbreaker, utterly unforgiveable, and therefore he does not “deserve” redemption. Here’s the thing about that, though – it doesn’t matter. Sorry, but whether or not YOU think he is “deserving” is irrelevant. What matters is how the characters in the story, and the story itself, feels about it. What matters is what the FORCE thinks about it! It’s important to remember that Star Wars is a fairy tale, a parable set in outer space, and not social commentary. People are afraid of the “message” it would send to kids that Kylo Ren would be redeemed after such dastardly deeds. The only message it would send is that change is possible and even the worst of us can get a second chance. It’s a message Star Wars has been beaming across the Galaxy since 1977. If even Darth Vader can get a redemption, so can his grandson!
But does he deserve to be redeemed AND live? Heck yes! True redemption isn’t possible if you don’t stick around to prove that your change of heart wasn’t a fluke. It’s easy to make ONE good decision and then peace out for the Great Beyond, like Vader did. While it might seem like a good idea for Kylo Ren to sacrifice himself for the Greater Good, it does not make for a satisfying end to the story of Han and Leia’s only child. It renders the deaths of Han and Luke meaningless. Besides, this movie is called The Rise of Skywalker, and Ben Solo is the heir apparent of the Skywalker legacy. Which brings me to…