Written by . Published: May 15 2016
Actress Paula Patton has offered to take care of her former father-in-law's golf bet after he allegedly "stiffed a caddie".
The actress was promoting her upcoming film Warcraft on Access Hollywood Live on Friday (13May16) when host Billy Bush brought up the fact Alan Thicke still owed him $120 after he beat the actor on a local course.
Bush said, "We were playing for the caddies and Alan Thicke did the unthinkable... He stiffed the caddie... so I had to take care of the caddie afterward.
"I sent him a video: 'Hey Alan, Send me a check right now...'"
After Patton, who was married to Thicke's son Robin until their divorce was finalized in March 2015, heard the tale, she said, "I got you. I'll handle this."